There are so many different options for vaporisers to buy in the UK, but there actually aren’t that many high quality oil vape pens for sale!
Why is this? The UK market tends to be more used to vaping e liquids which is what you would most commonly associate with vaping. People who vape e liquids tend to use those rather large vaporisers where they fill up the tank with their selected e liquid combination (this is often highly personal as people like to concoct their perfect ratio of PG to VG, nicotine levels, whether it has CBD and its flavouring). Or, they may go with a pod system like a juul where you just replace your pod once it is finished.
Given the popularity of e liquids as a healthier alternative to smoking, there has been a boom in the number of vape shops across England and the wide selection that they offer. We, at Paso, have a delicious range of marijuana flavoured CBD e liquid derived from high quality organic hemp. Each is 10% which is perfect for light CBD vaping throughout the day. However, what we noticed from working with some brands in the US, is that there was a real preference to vape something purer especially when it comes to cannabis products. Some people might just be vaping as it's the most effective format for delivery of its health benefits and so don’t want to have to vape additional diluents.
As such, influenced by our US pals, we decided to develop a range of high strength CBD vape oils. These are pure extract, high concentration being that they are undiluted by any other carrier oil or liquid. Each of our high strength vape oil cartridges are 65% which are some of the strongest you can find in the UK.
But to vape these thicker oils requires a special CBD oil vape pen. This is a device that is powerful enough to heat up the extract. Given the UK is newer to the CBD vape oil craze, there is still a limited selection of oils vape pens for sale. In the US, you will find a plethora of high quality, premium hardware, but affordable oil vape pens for sale just given the market is more used to vaping extracts.
With the help of our US partners, we developed our CBD vape pen to be durable, slick to hold, easy to use and at not too high a price point. We also built it with variable voltage so that you could flit between CBD vape liquids - either thicker oils or thinner e liquids. As well as a pre-heat function to warm up colder oils prior to vaping.
Give it a go, see if you think, like us, that it is one of the best oil vape pens for sale over here, and let us know if you have any questions!
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